Six Sixes!

The gauntlet has been slapped across my slightly chubby cheek and I can still feel the sting from its iron caress.

Not one but two World of Warcraft bloggers have tagged me to continue the ‘sixth image’ meme that is currently making its way around the WoW blogosphere.  A big thanks to Glow, my friendly guild druid healer extraordinaire and author of Glow’s branches and Fannon over on the wonderful Dwarven Battle Medic (who by the way, posts some amazing shots) for tagging me.

So, the ‘sixth image’ challenge was started by Gnomeaggedon and goes like this:

  • Go into your image folder
  • Open the sixth sub-folder and choose the sixth image.
  • Publish the image! (and a few words wouldn’t hurt, though I dare say I couldn’t stop a blogger from adding a few words of their own).
  • Challenge six new bloggers.
  • Link to them.

I’m afraid I am going to have to bend those rules a little as I tend to organise my images a little differently.  Instead I will choose three WoW related and three non-WoW related folders and select the sixth image.

First up, keeping with the main theme of this blog, World of Warcraft panoramas, here is the sixth image from my panoramas folder:

Taken inside Blackrock mountain, I was trying to capture the three dwarven statues holding the chains.  As my panoramas don’t tend to be more than a single shot high, I had to ignore the rest of the cave.

Next, the sixth image from my ‘edited screenshots’ folder.  These are the ones that are uploaded on the bl0g:

I like this guy, he has swagger.  If you’re interested you can find him standing right up north in Netherstorm at Forge Base Gehenna.

Now for the unedited raw screenshots straight from the default WoW screenshots folder (even left the default name):

Fairly sure this was part of a panorama set I took in The Botanica.  Also fairly sure that once I had finished it, I didn’t like it so it never saw the light of day. Still, there you have it.

Ok now for a couple of non-WoW related images.  I tend to dabble a little in photography, nothing serious but I like to get out when I can and play around a little.  Here are a few shots from some of my folders:

The sixth shot from a set on flowers:

Taken in the Dandenong Ranges down in Melbourne Australia, I have no idea in the slightest what type of flower this is.  I had a macro lens on, decided it looked kinda cool, so took a photo of it 🙂

The sixth shot from a set around my home town of Canberra, Australia:

I am glad this shot came up, one of my favourites actually.  Taken from a hot air balloon at about 6am, it shows off the main focal point of Canberra, Lake Burley Griffen.  This experience was a birthday present from my wife, so I have fond memories associated with this photo.

Finally, the sixth image from a holiday to New Zealand in 2009:

If you look closely enough at this shot, probably recognise the mountains from many scenes in The Lord of the Rings!  Taken as a panorama, this is a view of The Remarkables in Queenstown on the South Island.

OK, so I may have cherry picked some of the more interesting folders, but the ‘sixth image’ meme still applies!

Now is where it gets somewhat difficult.  How do I choose six bloggers not already chosen (or at least not posted yet)….  Here goes, I choose you:

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