Monthly Archives: March 2012

My Personal Top 10 WoW Panoramas

Recently I made the decision to take a step back from active raiding in World of Warcraft and indeed WoW itself. Until Mists of Pandaria arrives I will be hanging out in other digital landscapes.

What that means is there is unlikely to be any more WoW panoramas for a while. The landscapes in MoP look great so you can expect to see some if/when I get into the Beta.

So with that in mind, it feels like a good time to put together my top 10 panoramas so far. There are just over 90 up on the main page, so there is a decent selection to choose from.

My shortlist contained 18…. and narrowing it down was difficult, but had to be done.

Here is my top 10:

#10 – Kirin’var Village

Apart from the artifacts in the background, I love the composition of this one. The way the landscape drops off into the void… love it.

#9 – Sword’s rest

Who doesn’t like a glowing sword suspended in mid air?

#8 – Grizzlemaw

This one was purposely positioned to capture the mountain in the gap, and it leads your eyes from left to right. It also has cute little round houses in it….

#7 – Grizzly Hills

Grizzly Hills contains some rather epic landscapes, this view being one of the best. When leveling through the zone, I felt it was one of the best looking zones that Blizzard had produced.

#6 – Borean Tundra

One of my very early panoramas, I love the way the coast juts out into the foreground. The aurora in the background simply adds to the beauty of the shot.

#5 – Stormglen Village

The sepia filter seemed most appropriate for this shot, bringing out the tree in the center nicely, whilst highlighting the Victorian style roof-lines of the buildings. The single spider in view was a nice little extra.

#4 – Darkshire

Of all the little Alliance towns in Azeroth, Darkshire has always been one of my favourites. Taken at night then lowering the colour saturation turned this shot into one of my all time favourites.

#3 – Quel’danas Harbor

Featured as a Blizzard screen shot of the day, this shot had many comparisons drawn to cityscapes more often seen in Assassin’s Creed. Taken at sunset, the light was perfect.

#2 – End Time

The image captured in this shot is just epic. It’s a dragon impaled on a tower in front of menacing clouds with the remains of a massive battle in the foreground…. who could ask for anything more?

#1 – General Vezaxx

Ulduar.  Such a great raid. Visually, this is one the best ever boss locations in the game. The stained glass windows provide such eye candy, and having them laid out like that just screams “panorama”!

So there you have it, my top 10. Some other honourable mentions include Area 52, Tarecgosa, The Old Kingdon Flora and Illidan.

Are there any you think should have made the cut? Which panorama is your favourite and why?

Let me know!



Something Off-topic (Music)

A friend of mine is working on releasing an EP.  I have done some vocals with her in the past and can personally vouch that she has an amazing voice!

Have a listen via the link below and if you like it, why not pledge with me and help her reach her target to make it happen!

Oh My! Lullaby by Amber Nichols on Pozible.

More gaming related posts coming soon!
